Friday, October 30, 2009

Zenith CH701 Sold

Thank you for all your inquiries. The plane has been sold.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Zenith CH701 Project For Sale

OK--As much as I have enjoyed this experience, my priorities have recently shifted and I'm putting the 701 up for sale.

I'd like to sell the airplane project as is for $2000 (this includes the Fuselage Kit with windshield, Tail Kit, Manuals and Drawings)
I'll throw in the Tool Kit (plus a Kobalt pneumatic drill) for an additional $300.

Here is the breakdown of the project cost at this point (Savings to you of over $3000):
Fuselage Kit (with windshield) $2950
. Tail Kit $1210
. Tool Kit $545
. Manuals and Drawings $380
. MO Sales Tax $363
. Total $5448

The windshield is currently a part of the Finishing Kit--so the Finishing Kit will cost you less than what is published on Zenith's website:

If interested, please contact me (David) at david.cytrynowicz 'at'

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Update from February and March

1.5D Edge Spacing on this rivet hole--Both Zenith Tech Support and Garmin aircraft structures folks OK'd as is.
Here is another view of the 1.5D edge distance.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Installing the Aft Formers

This former is a bit snug against the stringer--some wiggling is required to install it but it fits.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Begining Bottom Fuselage Construction

One thing to note is that the fuselage longerons measure 21 x 21 mm rather that 20 x 22 mm.
The measurements were OK'd by the Zenith technical staff--I'll just have to keep a close eye on the edge distances.